Wednesday, June 16, 2010


rock + rock = fire
Therefore it's hard for 2 rocks to be together for long. I don't put much hope in it.
Uncle gave me a new earpiece today. It comes just nice because my old one is going to spoil. My uncle is very very nice. He gave me an ipod for birthday. he gave my sis an i touch. he sold us a mac book com at a very cheap price.. It's so good to have a relative who sells electronic devices. Hehehe.
Baby watched The A Team and had steamboat with his Bros today. So shiok hor? I wanna join in the fun but I shy la. hahaha I have little time for Baby now because I have to bring my cousins around. So be patient and wait till next week ok bii ? :}
I feel kinda relaxed and relieved now. Because I can sleep more, go gai gai and eat good food.
No project meetings for this week. All thanks to my cousins who came. Haha
Continuing Boys over flowers now,

C you.

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